We have Sunday school classes available for children ages 3–6 and 7–12. Each class is led by a team of two adults not related or married to each other. Kids can take part in songs, games, crafts, activities, and Bible lessons all geared towards knowing God in Christ.
For worship services, we encourage parents to keep children with them during the service. Many aspects of corporate worship can be caught and taught through faithfully sitting with one’s family week after week. For parents who do need to take a young child out for all or part of a service, an unstaffed nursery is available next to the sanctuary and is equipped with speakers so you can continue to hear the music and/or sermon.
Our RVBC Youth Group meets on the 2nd Friday of each month, from 6:00 – 8:00pm in the social hall (right next to the sanctuary). A team of loving and fun-loving volunteers leads the teens in games and a lesson – and good food! Plans are in the works to have a Sunday school class for teenagers available, too.
For questions or more information about our ministries to children and youths, please
email or call the number listed below.